We Can Help You Design A Simple Easy Blog Like:
Trendsgist, Linda Ikeji, Jtownconnect, Xclusivevibes, Kemi Filani,
Lailas Blog, OluFamous, Etc...
Good news: Am
here to inform you that you can also own a WEBSITE of your choice like
Blogger, WordPress Wapka, or any platform of your choice. Everyone is
thinking of owning their own blog when reading new, articles or any
information online, because they have the passion of setting up a
platform where they can post there own ideas. Now the world is going
Globally and you don't want to be left behind among those who strongly
contributed to epoch. Like we all know, online business is one of the
trending and paying business, that most youths and adults run into most
especially in Nigeria. Here are the list of some of 6 businesses ;
Blogging, WordPress, Facebook, and Google etc... Yeah they are paying
seriously. Blogging and WordPress are the in thing now and many
Nigerians who own one or more has being making serious money from it by
just writing your own post or article or post daily politicians news,
entertainment news, sports news etc.... for people to read. We have
popular blogs in Nigeria today and many more are still coning into the
blogging field. Why not be the next to join the crew. Our blog designers
can help you design a simple blog like the below listed ones:

If you love any of the above blogs designs, we can set it up and design one for you and if you even want it more professional and that only if you are ready to pay for job. We personally customized our template to our taste using html, css and javascript. Hurry up and Contact us today for yours. The design can rock any color theme you desire too.
Features it came with;
1 It comes with a Home Page with "auto" Read More, and Post Thumbnail.
2 It comes with Numbered Posts Navigation.
3 Can easily be changed to feature Left and Right Sidebars with post area in the center.
4 Can easily change width of Sidebars, Post Area and the Add a Gadget areas etc... via Template designer
5 Can easily change Template Color, Template Argument, and Template Design etc...
6 Works perfectly with Template designer custom css functionality.
7 Custom mobile view looks awesome.
8 Can easily display Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Propeller and Infolink ads banners, related posts etc on mobile view
9 Can displays ads almost anywhere in the template; above logo, below logo, in the header, inside posts, in the Gadget and in the footer etc...
10 Can link to any of your social media network such as: Facebook Page, Facebook Profile, Facebook Group, Twitter account, Google plus, etc....
"Now I most not be left behind, I most join the team and start making my own money online too!".....
Saying that to yourself. Yes you can be left behind.
"Now how will I joined the team!" Thinking that in your mind.
cool you have come to realize that you have to jump into blogging,
which doesn't stop you from the others business you are running.
To own your own blog, contact us today and let set it up for you within 47 hours.
How much would it cost me?
when I started blogging I set it up for people for free, later start
collecting money before setting it up, till date. It will only cost you
Just TwentyThousand Naira! (N20,000) with {dot com}. Thinking what is
{dot com} example is, when you first set up a blog or WordPress it will
be (www.foodyarns.blogspot.com) to remove the blogspot.Com, you have to
get a domain name so your site can be more professional.
But without dot.com it will cost you just N10,000.
How do I pay?
You can pay directly to our bank account, if from outside the country, we will get you other ways of payment.
How do I pay?
You can pay directly to our bank account, if from outside the country, we will get you other ways of payment.
Now that have pay, when we the work started or deliver? As soon as you pay and send our your payments proof. we'll set it up, and you notice there are some features on our blog that are not on yours, we will fix that for you for FREE. We will definitely keep record of the email address and blog URL you submit after purchase as they will be required for the FREE edits. If you've got questions, relay them via comments. For more information,
please call or whatsapp: Mr Yusuf, the CEO and Founder @ +2348141383735
Email @ abdullahiyussuf75@gmail.com
Email @ abdullahiyussuf75@gmail.com
Call or whatsapp: Mr Ola, one of the admin @ +2348179404320
Email @ Ola24434@gmail.com
Email @ Ola24434@gmail.com
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