Easier Way To Extract Palm Fruit Concentrate (Banga)
It has always been palm tree because it it a blessed tree ever, what I mean by this is that is a tree that non of it parts is useless they are all useful to humans... So as to mention few.... The leaf use to cover up Hut, and the Fruits use to Prepare palm oil, Banga Soup and Stew, Bitterleaf Soup and Ora/Oha Soup to name a few and get into the main recipe.
One thing to note these steps will surely help you to get the full details on how you can extract the rich palm fruit concentrate from palm fruits and with that you can use it to Prepare Banga Soup and Stew, add to your Bitterleaf Soup and Ora/Oha Soup.

Let get it started...
Things That You Need
¦==> First thing you need is enough Palm Fruits even more than enough.
¦==> Enough of water to cook and to wash it when it done.
Tools Needed
¦==> Mortar and pestle
¦==> Plastic bowls
¦==> Sieve
1. Pour the palm fruits into a bigger bowl and wash very well.
2. Put on your cooker or stove, place on a sizeable pot and pour the palm fruits and add enough water to cover up the fruits and start cooking on a high medium heat.
3. Cook for about 15 to 20 minutes, and check if it is done.
"How do I know if it done or not?.. When the palm fruits is fully done the first sign to note is that the palm fruit will be soft to the bite and depending on how fleshy the palm fruits are and you should be able to easily rub off the flesh from the nuts, one more thing is that you may notice cracks on the flesh of the fruits.
4. After confirming that it is fully done, pour out the hot water and pour the palm fruits into the mortar while they are still hot, pound the palm fruits in the mortar with a pestle till all the flesh are separated from the nuts forming a smooth pulp (See images below).
Note; why you should do the pounding when the fruits are still hot is to make it easier for the flesh to separate from the nuts to get a better smooth pulp.
5. After probably pound, sort the nuts out from the pulp and set these aside.
6. Pour the nuts into a bowl add small quantity of warm water and wash the nuts. Then wash a small quantity of the pulp in the same water, squeeze and set aside. Repeat the same process to the other batch of pulp till the water becomes concentrated.
7. Place the sieve on another bowl to to sieve the concentration.
8. Repeat the same process till all palm fruit pulp has been washed.
9. Cover the extracted palm fruit concentrate with sieve and leave palm fruit concentrate to stand for about 5 minutes.
10. After stand up to 5 minutes, then place your sieve on the pot and slowly decant into the pot that will be used to cook the Banga Soup, Stew or add to your Bitterleaf Soup and Ora/Oha Soup. The sieve placed on the pot help not to pour the tiny pieces of fibre that have settled at the bottom.
That is all for the extraction of palm fruits concentration. The extract is used to cook Banga Soup or Stew, Bitterleaf Soup or Ora/Oha Soup also go well with Egusi Soup