How To Prepare Boiled Yam.
It one of the easy and fast recipe. Boiled Yam always go along with different kinds of Stuff, Stew, Sauce and many more... It is prepared off ingredients you should understand what I meant by (off ingredients) i.e without adding any ingredients oder that salt and sugar and it's even (optional).
1. WELLSPRING OF ENERGY; Its crunchy edible tuber chiefly composed of complex carbohydrates and soluble dietary fiber.
2. WELLSPRING OF B-COMPLEX GROUP OF VITAMINS; It provides adequate daily requirements of pyridoxine (vitamin B6), thiamin (vitamin B1), riboflavin, folates, pantothenic acid and niacin. These vitamins mediate various metabolic functions in the humans body.
3. Fresh roots contains lots of beneficial roles to man. One of which is the anti-oxidant vitamins it contains.
These natural God-given fresh roots also has a considerable amount of vitamin C, sufficient enough for us to have a healthy living.
This anti-oxidants play some important roles in our body like helping us fight some dangerous dieseases like diabetes, and all cadiovascular dieseases like Hypertension and stroke.
It help boost our immune function, gives quick wound healing, enhance bone growth and helps anti-ageing functions of our body system.
* White or Yellow Yam... Depending on the number of people you wanna serve. To sefa you, you can calculate five(5) slices for adult's from +18 upward, three(3) slices for children from +12 up to 17 and two(2) or one(1) slices for 11 downward.
* Salt (Optional).
* Sugar (Optional).
Cooking Directions
1. Slice the yam tuber into 1 inch each, before or after peeling.

2. After peeling, pour into a cold water and wash the slices one after another and place in a pot.
Note; the yam slices most not sleep on each other, make sure you arrange them well.
3. Set up your cooker or stove, place the pot on it and add water to it.
Note; the water most be halfway to the level of the yam.
4. Cook for complete 5 minutes or until it soft.
5. Add salt and sugar and leave to cook for about one(1)minutes or more than. Is just for the salt and sugar to muck into the yam slices.
6. Put off the heat and use fork to bring out the slice one after another into a bigger bowl.
Serve and enjoy with other recipes such as:- Garden Egg Stew, Beef and Chicken Stew ,
Ponmo (cow skin) Stew, Corned Beef Stew, Pepper Sauce , Egg Stew, Fried Egg, Meatball Stew
Tomato Stew
Vegetable oil or Palm oil..