How to Prepare Semolina
It's Semo because it's always Semolina when eaten it with any of those Soups Recipes. As well known that Semo and the other recipes like Seminole, Semovita, White or Black Amala, Poundo Yam, Wheat, Tuwo Masara and Tuwo Shinkafa are popular masticated meals eaten with any types of soups and it is usually available in form of flour.
It is very easy to prepare any of these any time of your choice so far you have the flour ready.
Note: the recipe on "How to Prepare Seminole". you should also follow this steps when preparing Black Amala, Tuwo Masara, Poundo Yam, Semovita and others
There are four method of preparing Semolina, this four method also go well with Semovita, White Amala, Poundo Yam, Wheat and others.
First Method :
The First Method... Note; this is well OK for all of your recipe.. Be it Semovita, Semolina, Black Amala and others expect White Amala...
° 250g Semolina or Semovita or Wheat or Poundo Yam or Black Amala flour.
° 2 litters of Hot water.
1. Set up your cooker or stove, place a sizeable pot on it to boil the water until bubbling.
2. When it bubbling, scoop out a little of the hot water and set aside.
3. Pour in some of the flour of the semolina and start stirring till well mix.
4. When it is well mixed add a little hot water from the one you scooped and leave for a moment to steam.
5. If after steaming the mixture is watery, add more flour of semolina and stir until smooth and harder or till the consistency you want.
6. Now cover the pot and leave
to boil for 1 minute or less to cook the flour completely and remove any raw taste.
7. After well boiled, mix thoroughly and your Semolina, Semovita, Poundo Yam Black Amala or Wheat is ready to be serve, serve with any kind of Soups Recipes of your choice...
Note: This process can also be used for making many other bolus or swallow recipes made as flour, such as; Rice fufu flour, Grounded Corn fufu flour, Oat meal and a lot more....
Second Method:
The Second Method... Note; this also goes well for all of your recipe.. Be it Semovita, Semolina, Black Amala and others expect White Amala... Uhmm... You ask yourself why expecting White Amala?... White Amala is prepare the same way you prepare your Eba that is off cooker or stove after heating the water.
Now for the second method of preparing semolina and others... This is much easier and faster let go on...
1. Set up the cooker or stove, place a sizeable pot on it, pour some water, and divide your semolina flour into 4 equal part, pour 3 parts of it into the pot of water and start stirring it.
2. Stir until well mixed.
3. When it is well mixed stop and heat up the pot for about a minute or less and continue stirring the semolina to prevent it from burning at the bottom.
4. Now, as you keep stirring, the semolina will continue begin to be cooked, now you will begin to perceive the aroma.
6. If the consistency is a bit light, gradually add the remaining semolina flour and continue stirring until you get a thicker consistency.
Note; when you want to add the semolina flour, you should not stop the stirring you keep on stirring and add the flour gradually.
7. Now put off the heat and mix thoroughly till you have a smooth mixture... If you have probably done all this steps, scoop out the semolina and serve with you Soups Recipes of choice.
There are still two more method of preparing semolina, semovita, wheat and others but will be updated soon in the day check back for it or drop email for any Recipes update...
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